Monday, March 2, 2009

What Google can do for you

What Google can do for you
by Steve Levy- Pinpoint Computer Services
Computers Misbehaving?
We Have Your Solution!Please contact us to Get Your Computers Running Right.
Pinpoint Computer Services , Inc.
phone: 718-279-2222

Google has many innovations to enhance your online experience.Check these out.
  • Google AlertsYou can keep tabs on any topic or interst you may have. Go to Google Alerts and type in the search phrase (such as your organization, your hobby, your favorite topic or your favorite place). when the search term gets mentioned online, you will hear about it in an email alert. It's like having a personal clipping service.

  • Google MapsMore powerful than mapquest. Go to Choose the directions you want: by car, by public transit or on foot. View current traffic conditions. Turn on Street View to see actual photographs of your destination.

  • Google TranslatorTranslate any text or webpage to or from 40 languages.Go to google translatoriGoogleYou can personalize your webpage. Hundreds of useful displays are available: clock, local weather, movie listings, daily horoscope, to do list and so on. Go to

  • this number on your phone for the best free directory assistance available. Be sure to keep this number in your cell phone.View the video

  • YouTubeYouTube is the most popular internet television or video distribution site on the Internet. A wealth of all types of short videos can be accessed here. Want to learn something by an instructional video, search YouTube. Go to Want to learn how to carve a turkey? You'll find video instruction here.

    Computers Misbehaving?We Have Your Solution!Please contact us to Get Your Computers Running Right.
    Steve Levy
    Pinpoint Computer Services , Inc.
    phone: 718-279-2222

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