Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Could You Be Loosing Business and Not Even Realize It?

Event Date: Wednesday 8/6 @ 7 PM

Could You Be Loosing Business and Not Even Realize It?

If you are not keeping in touch with every person you meet in a meaningful, sincere way, it is pretty much a given that you are loosing business.


Because every single person you meet is a potential strategic partner, customer/client or someone to refer business back and forth with. However, this will most often not be the case right at the time you meet them. You need to consistently ‘keep in touch’ and cultivate every relationship through mediums other than just email.

Join me for a special webinar presentation on Wednesday, August 6 @ 7:00 PM EST as we explore why having an effective ‘keep in touch strategy’ in place is absolutely essential for expanding your network and growing your business.

Additional information regarding free registration will be available soon!